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【人造美人鱼】(The Costume)(更新至3部)作者:帝国执政
版主评語: abcd_zzz | 一篇有趣的改造文 英文原版名为The Costume(附后) |
by xzyan
带有几分稚气的秀丽面孔,让- 一个看到她的人都难以移开自己的目光。惊艳,
是- 一个人共同的感觉。
她为周六晚聚会做了最详尽的安排,- 位出席者都被告知了一切细节,因为
酥的,这种感觉很舒服。她整个上身和腰部的禁锢仍然保持原样,- 样道具都又
大小的机械,这种机械叫做”纳米机械“- 个纳米机械都有独立的生物计算器和
些纳米机械的程序是不断收紧皮带,直到直径缩小到13英寸。然后- 年都会缩
没有办法停止这一切或者通知别人她的处境。这原本是她向往的,在- 个夜晚都
第一部 英文原版
The Costume
By Pablo Marmol with Turk
Nicole was a fetishist.
She loved to wear latex, corsets and high heels.
And she also loved bondage.
She spent all the time wearing tightly laced armbinders, mouthfilling gags, heavy head masks and loved to be restrained and tortured. She was an extreme masochist.
As she was very rich she didn’t have to deal with work schedules, commanding bosses, complaining clients nor deadlines.
And as she was single she had no problems of demanding husbands, time absorbing children and bothering in-laws.
She used to give the best fetish parties in the city.
Her big mansion was the meeting point for the fetish and SM community and she was always the center of attention.
Her outstanding figure, tiny waist, big and rounded breasts and cute face attracted the attention of every person.
And she was always ready to serve. She didn’t have any problem in being tied, raped, tortured and punished by anyone. Just the necessary safety measures like condoms, stopping words or signals if she was unable to speak to assure that she could keep enjoying it.
But for that night she would surprise everybody.
She would be unique, no one would fail to look at her, to touch her, to use her. She would eclipse every other woman; all the men in the party would be for her. And she would be for all of them.
That night she would be a mermaid, a totally defenseless armless and speechless mermaid.
She had received the ad by e-mail.
“ETERNAL PLEASURE: Exclusive fetish costumes. Make your request and we’ll fulfill it. No matter the cost, no matter the difficulty, no matter the weirdness, we can do the impossible. We are specialists in providing eternal sources of pleasure.”
She didn’t know why that ad attracted her attention. It was just one more. But the colors of the logo, the blinking typography, and the word ‘exclusive’ were enough for a try.
She had been thinking about being a mermaid for a long time. She had dreamed of having a fish tail, no arms and swimming freely in a water world.
But she hadn’t got exactly what she wanted until then. She had tried different outfits and fabrics, but nothing satisfied her. There was no way to disguise a pair of legs inside a tail, there was no way to hide a pair of arms under a corset.
So she made her request, and promised to pay double if the work satisfied her needs.
Soon she received a catalog with photos of models wearing differently colored armless mermaid costumes, all of them wore also a bathing cap that covered entirely their hair and a ball gag with a matching color And she was astonished. The women really looked like mermaids, the tails were very real and the legs were unnoticeable behind the fabric. And the end of the tail didn’t reveal at all the presence of feet.
And the upper torsos were totally smooth in the shoulders. The same models were photographed in several positions and there was no way to see where their arms were hidden. From every side the shape was straight and thin, nothing protruded anywhere that could give a clue of how their arms were disguised.
She had to wear one of those costumes. She would really be a goddess.
She made an advance payment and set up the appointment for the Saturday afternoon before the party.
She had already instructed the personnel for attending the party guests. Everybody knew his duty to the most insignificant detail. There would be no need to consult her on anything at all, and thus had to be because she wouldn’t be available for consulting.
She would be left swimming in the pool as an armless and gagged mermaid totally available for pleasure. She would remain all the night in the pool, nobody would be allowed to take her out of it, under the threat of being taken out of the house by the guards. If anybody wanted to use her he would have to do it under the water.
A cute blonde woman from the company came in the afternoon prior to the party.
Nicole had been instructed by the company to wait for her completely naked in the back yard of her house, near the pool, where she would be placed once dressed with the mermaid costume.
And once the party was over, everybody would leave the house and she would be left alone in the pool until the same woman came on the following day to take the costume.
That was the deal, she could not buy the costume, she could only rent it for one night and the day after it would have to be returned to its owner for further rentals.
The woman removed a small box from her purse.
“Amazing,” thought Nicole, “all the costume fits just in a little box, it must be very soft and tight.”
But what the woman removed from the box was a black spraying bottle.
“What is that?” Asked Nicole confused.
“This is the costume.” Answered the woman, with a neutral and cold voice.
“I would have expected something fabric made.”
“This is a special kind of liquid latex. It will stick to the skin following its exact shape and in just a question of minutes, it will become solid. Then just a few additions will be needed that are small enough to fit in a small box.”
“Very practical.”
“Well, now you have to stand very straight, with your legs together, knees forward, feet parallel, and don’t leave the slightest gap between your legs.”
Nicole did what she was ordered to. The woman leaned down to complete the right placement of her legs, and she adjusted them several times until she was satisfied.
“Now, don’t move either a tenth of an inch or all the work would be ruined.”
Then she started to apply the spray first on her feet.
She felt the liquid very cool and refreshing. But once her toes were totally covered she felt them completely immobilized. She tried to move any of them but she couldn’t. And she felt as if the liquid was taking the shape of her feet.
Then the woman started to go up on her legs. As there was no gap between them and they touched each other all along the way up, the liquid was forming a unique cover over them. In the space between her legs the woman sprayed more liquid until the surface was completely smooth in the front and also in the back. Once she finished, there was no trace of the shape of her legs under the cover.
And once they were covered up to her thighs she could not separate them anymore. They were stuck together.
“Now I have to install a couple of implements.” Said the woman, leaving Nicole standing in a precarious balance. “Don’t fall, please”
She went back with two plastic devices. One of them had a penis shaped form and the other one was a cylinder.
“Just as I have ordered” thought Nicole when he saw them.
The woman inserted the plastic penis inside Nicole’s vagina. She pressed it carefully to fit it in. It wasn’t very difficult, Nicole was already aroused enough to let it in without difficulty even having her legs closed. The penis entered completely and Nicole felt it very hard inside her pussy. The outer side was fully covered. She wouldn’t be penetrable through that entrance.
The cylinder was to be inserted in her anus. It had the opening sufficiently wide to be violated without problems as she was very accustomed to be rear-attacked. It protruded outside her skin a couple of inches. And it was on purpose. That would be the only opening that she would have so it would not be covered by the latex. Once the costume was ready, the cylinder would be removed, leaving the opening intact.
Once both devices were set up, the woman continued applying the liquid around Nicole’s crotch and hips. In this case she applied it just on the surface, so the costume would follow exactly the shape of her buttocks.
When the outer cover of the plastic penis was fully covered with latex Nicole felt as it pushed the plastic penis more to the inside, giving her a huge arousal.
Then the woman went back to the box and brought a new article. This time it was a leather strap.
She tied it very tightly around Nicole’s waist forcing her to hold her breath. The strap didn’t have a clasp, and Nicole couldn’t turn back to see how it was attached, but once the woman released it, it pressed very strongly against her waist.
“Well, now is the time of the upper torso. Now you will put your arms behind your back, turn the forearms inwards and hold each forearm with the opposite hand.”
Nicole was used to be tied in that tight position. So it wasn’t difficult for her. She put her arms behind her back, bent her elbows and put one forearm parallel over the other one holding them with her hands.
The woman stood behind her, and once Nicole put her arms in place she pushed them forwards with one hand while holding Nicole’s tummy in place with the other one. That made Nicole’s bring her chest forwards and up, forcing her breasts to go forward, making them more rigid and rounded.
“Stay like that, don’t move.”
Nicole struggled to keep her position. Her breathing turned very heavy and difficult with her legs joined together, her pussy and anus invaded, her waist pressurized by the strap and her torso bent forwards.
The woman kept on accommodating Nicole’s arms tighter and tighter, until nothing of her elbows showed of by the sides of her body. Looking at her from the front, she looked like not having any of her arms.
Then the woman started to apply the liquid. She felt it refreshing and relieving as she had started to sweat because of her uncomfortable position.
The liquid latex was now covering her entirely from her feet up to her neck. And it filled every gap that remained in her back between her arms and her torso and stretched everything strongly. She wasn’t able to move anything but her neck and head. But with her torso so tightly restrained, the movement that she could make with her neck was very short. She could not turn her head more than thirty degrees to both sides. She would have liked to see how the outfit remained at her back, but that was impossible.
The woman left her again standing on her feet and looked for the last articles.
One of them was a white rubber ball gag.
“Do you have any question, anything to say before remaining silent?” Asked her the woman very gently.
“Nothing at all. You can proceed.”
Then the woman put the ball inside the already opened mouth of Nicole. It was bigger than any other ball gag that she could have worn before. She had to accommodate her jaws to receive the spherical invader. And the woman pushed it very deep making Nicole to swallow her saliva. Once in place, she raised Nicole’s hair to lace the strap behind. One more time the strap didn’t have a clasp, but the ball was held very strongly and tightly around her head.
The next article was a black latex bathing cap. The woman accommodated Nicole’s long hair inside and put the cap carefully on her head.
Now Nicole’s face was the only part of her body visible. The rest was fully covered in brilliant black.
“Well, now we must wait for some minutes until the liquid latex dries completely. Then I will apply the last implements.”
As Nicole remained silently standing in her place, she was feeling a strange sensation. All her body was becoming numb. It was a pleasant feeling, in fact all the tightness in her upper body and in her waist was subsiding. But she wasn’t moving anything, everything remained in its place tight and firm.
And the plastic penis was doing its job, she was feeling more and more aroused, but she didn’t orgasm. She was still very anxious, she would be really gorgeous that night.
Time lasted very fast for Nicole and soon the woman was ready for the next step.
“Well, I think that it’s time. Now I will lift you and lay you in the ground, to put the end of the tail.”
She did as she said, Nicole had doubts that the woman would be strong enough but she was wrong. The woman took her strongly by the back of her thighs and in the back below her now invisible arms and lifted her body making her incline backwards and once she was horizontal, she laid her on the floor. Against what she would suppose, she didn’t feel all the weight of her body resting on her restrained arms, as if the latex cover cushioned all the pressure on them.
Then the woman went back to bring the tail’s end. It was black and of the same latex, once she fitted Nicole’s feet inside, she applied more liquid on it to keep it firmly stuck to them.
Once the liquid dried, there was no way to find out where the tail end started. Now she had a complete black latex mermaid tail.
“Now, the last article, for your safety.”
She lifted Nicole again and sat her on a bench next to the pool.
The woman brought this time a rubber neck ring. She passed it through Nicole’s head until it remained with the hole around her neck. The woman took an inflator string that was attached to it and inflated the ring until it was full of air around Nicole’s neck.
Then she lifted Nicole again and stood her next to the edge of the pool with her back facing to it. She removed the cylinder that was inserted in her anus, now it was completely exposed. Nicole could feel the fresh air entering it. And as the latex in the borders was already dry it pulled all her skin outside stretching out the rear hole and making it wider and easily penetrable.
“Well, now is the moment for a little switch in the plan. I will tell you the real story.” Said the woman with a strange glint in her eyes.
Nicole frowned her brow, up to that moment everything happened as it was planned, what could be that switch in the plan?
“This liquid isn’t just latex. It has a special addition that will make you a real armless mermaid.”
Nicole’s eyes opened wide. She attempted to complain, but the gag filled every gap into her palate, she could just utter an almost faded mumble. She tried a futile struggle against the costume, but her body was almost asleep, she couldn’t move a muscle.
“The latex applied to you has trillions of molecular devices called ‘nanites’. Each one of them has a complete biogenetic computer and a program to be executed. Once the program is triggered, your body will start to change. The nanites will slowly destroy each one your cells and take its place, in an irreversible process.
“As a consequence of the replacement, several changes will be done to your body.
“The calcium level in your arm bones will decrease progressively, until dissolving them completely. All the skin and flesh around them will be redistributed until your back is completely smooth under the latex skin.
“In your legs the process will be similar, but the bones won’t be dissolved at all, they will just become more flaccid and vertebrated, as any fish’s tail, only your feet and ankle bones will be completely deleted so the end of your tail can extend downwards vertically. You will never be able to stand again on the ground without falling down.
“The leather strap around your waist is also filled with nanites that are programmed to stretch it until it measures 13” of diameter. And it will keep on reducing itself a tenth of an inch per year to a minimum of 5”.
“The plastic penis inside your vagina will change turning into a exciting device that will start and stop randomly but your clit will be transformed in such a way that it will never let you climax, no matter how great may be your excitation level.
“The opening in your anus will extend, but the inside will became narrower and very sensitive, so any penetration through it will be painful.
“Your breasts will grow and become more sensitive and your nipples will be connected by nerves to your pussy so whenever they are stimulated it will increase your excitement even more.
“All your former human skin will be replaced by the latex cover. And your sensory nerves will be connected to it so any touch on it will be like touching your skin.
“The strap around the gag will stick to your skin joining to it in an indivisible unit. The rubber ball will inflate even more inside your palate and your teeth and tongue will disappear. The front face will stick also indivisibly to the back of your lips. It will finally be part of your body, forever. As you won’t lose your vocal chords you will be able to emit soft and mumbling moans.
“Your breathing system will change to accept air and water, like any amphibious being, so you will be able to breathe under the water.
“Your ears will be removed, so you will become totally deaf.
“Your hair will be also dissolved under the cup, and its borders will also join to the skin of your face.
“All your internal body functions will be modified. You won’t need solid food anymore. The source of energy for your organism will be the light of the sun, like every plant. Just by photosynthesis you will get enough to keep your body working. And as you will live into the water, your rear hole and your nostrils will be the openings where you will be watered, and also the ways for your disposal, that will be only liquid and will only work inside the water.
“If you are taken outside the water, you will start to feel very thirsty in a short time and if you are out of the water for long, you will die of dehydration in a very slow and painful way.
“The only part that nanites won’t alter is your brain; your neuronal functions will be kept as they are. So you will be completely lucid and aware of everything that occurs around you, although you will not be able to do anything to avoid it.
“If you get adequate sunlight and water, as all the cells in your body will be replaced by nanites, you will be protected against any infection or illness, and as nanites never die, you won’t age. The latex skin has an inner layer made of titanium and lead. The same layer will be formed under the skin of your face and into your rear opening, that will make you completely invulnerable to any kind of weapon, you may survive even a nuclear catastrophe.
“But don’t be scared, we’ll give you a chance. The nanites are still idle and they will stay like that unless you remain more than six hours under the water. Once that time passes, the irreversible process will start. If you can get out of the water before six hours, the liquid latex once wet will start to dissolve and you will get free from the costume, and no harm will occur to you. We will receive a radio signal from the nanites once they are active, so if we don’t get it until tomorrow, we will know that you got free and you won’t see nor have a way to contact us anymore and you will go on with your normal life.
“But when the nanites start, nothing will stop them. Even if you manage to go out of the water it will have been too late.
“If we receive the confirmation that the transformation occurred, we will come back tomorrow for you as it was already established. And we’ll keep our part of the deal. As we have already told you, we don’t sell our costumes, we just rent them and once the term is finished we take the costume back for renting it again to other client. And as you will be part of the costume, we’ll take you with it.
“We have a big demand of armless mermaid slaves for rental, and we have your schedule completely filled for two years.
“Now is time to leave, your party is about to start and the guests are eager to test the merchandise. We have already contacted many of them and tonight they will have the chance to test the product for free before ordering, I’m sure that after this evening I will receive enough orders to keep you busy for ten more years.
“The only requisite that any client has to keep is to have a pool or water container ready for you to live within, but they don’t need to keep you into the water all the time. Then can take you out when they like to, and torture you by leaving you thirsty at their will, but they will not be allowed to let you die; they will have to give us a big amount in warrant.
“You will be the perfect slave, totally helpless and without any need of maintenance.
“And you will live forever, as the only way to get rid of your life is to be left out of water or sunlight and you won’t be able to do that by yourself.
“Remember the name of our company: ‘Eternal pleasure’. You will be an eternal source of pleasure for anybody. Well, see you tomorrow, unless you are very, very lucky.”
And saying that, the woman pushed Nicole forwards with strength. As she was unable to hold back she fell on her back to the water. The inflated ring around her neck prevented her from sinking and left her vertical with her head above the water.
She started to shake her body with desperation.
“Try to avoid any agitation, it will accelerate the program and the nanites will start earlier.” Shouted the woman while she turned round and gracefully went out of the house.
Nicole was left alone. Every attempt to move herself was in vain, she had no way to drive her body in any direction because the rubber ring on her neck held her in place and as she had to soften her movements under the risk of bringing forward the nanites startup.
She knew that she would have no way to get out on time. The party was about to start, it was near six o’clock. And it was scheduled to last until midnight. Just after the last guest would leave she would start to be transformed into a helpless slave.
Everything was already set up and she wouldn’t be able to stop it or to warn anybody about her fate.
That was what she had wanted, to be attractive and helpless during all the evening without being able to stop it even if she regretted. The perfect self bondage setup.
What she had not planned is that she would remain like that for the rest of her existence, now an eternal life.
[ 本帖最后由 皇者邪帝 于 2011-6-5 16:39 编辑 ]
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